There is a fantastic documentary series called 'about women' and 'about men' and it a really interesting look at the two genders and how the different genders deal with age and its v. strange to see how we react differently to the same situation.
Throughout the 'about women' documentary, it looked at the different phases of growing up as a woman and the running theme was confidence. When you were young, you were over-flowing with confidence because you were oblivious to everything else; all you knew was fun and the next adventure. In the growing up years, you were so scard and worried about every one else's opinion, your insecurity comes out and you struggle to find your way. In your college or university days, you start not caring what other people think, but i think its not something that women can get rid of. We can't help but over-analyse and react to the situation at hand by banding with our other girlfriends and dissecting in detail what you should do next.
About Men, the documentary i saw concentrated on men in their later stages of their life. It followed men with their wives in retirement homes or men who had lost their spouse. It's so interesting that men find it harder to make friends or maintain friendships when they're older so they find it harder when they lose their spouse compared to women. It goes towards my thought that men are emotionally stunted in comparison to women. it makes me sad for them that they don't have a support network...
Anyways, this man pictured is always at Hyde Park watching the people play on the Giant Chessboard. I think he is somewhat of a genius when it comes to chess - well it gave me that impression.
The thing i like about photography apart from its a bit stalkery, it capures a moment and you wonder about the subject of the photo, what his life was about, what he's doing, what makes him come to the same place every day....i like to wonder.
back to listening to the australian idols massacre the top 10 songs. did you hear how they massacred the GLEE theme song?
Notepad scribbles 20191103
5 years ago
Great photo. Thank you for sharing the little story and your thoughts.
mindy, i didn't enjoy the picture so much as the insight given.
i think if you choose to produce any piece of art, whatever form it may be, then often it starts with the curiosity, and the "art" is answering that curiosity with what you produce.
that smoking man in your shot means nothing to me. however in the context of your documentary thoughts, he means so much more.
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